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The Archives of the Library of Congress also contain the complete historical files of the OCLC and the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Records Committee. The files were created by the Archives staff with the encouragement of the ILL and OCLC staff members whose historical records were being processed.
Other projects. Materials related to a few other projects were found in the MARC Development Office files. These projects, which are no longer under the control of the MARC Development Office, include the following: (1) In 1976, the Library Commission, which later became the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCILS), asked the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to develop a computer catalog (the NTIS Catalog) that would be integrated into the Library of Congress system. The NTIS Catalog would be used as a catalog of the Library of Congress's collections of software and technical reports to the public. They also asked the Library of Congress to establish a technical engineering base for the software. Under the direction of Arthur J. Gallagher, the Library of Congress contracted with the ETS Associates Company (ETS-Corp.) to develop the NTIS Catalog on behalf of NTIS. Gallagher and Gallagher's staff member, Robert F. Sanger, were the principal designers of the system.
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