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Tue, 10 Nov 2014 14:13:53 +0000 hypermutation in the adaptive immune response.
During their life-time, B-cells undergo affinity maturation for antigen-antibody interactions and subsequently differentiate into plasma cells, the final effector of humoral immunity. Antibody diversity is generated by two major classes of mechanisms, V(D)J recombination and somatic hypermutation. The former produces diversity by joining together different germline V, D and J gene segments to create a large repertoire of rearranged immunoglobulin genes (IgH and IgL) and the latter creates diversity by mutating the V and/or D gene segments. Somatic hypermutation (SHM) represents the process whereby deoxycytidine is deaminated to deoxyuridine, which is subsequently incorporated into the DNA strand. This results in a stepwise accumulation of mutations, which can reach as many as three or four mutations per 10(4) nucleotides. This process is referred to as the mutation rate (U) and is a major determinant of antibody affinity and specificity. For the generation of antigen-specific antibodies in an immune response, SHM must occur in B-cells, which engage in class switch recombination and receptor editing during their development in lymphoid tissues.
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