Serial Number In Caste Certificate
Serial Number In Caste Certificate -
To obtain a CAS Registry Number for a chemical substance, the user submits the name of the chemical substance to the CAS site, where they are prompted to choose among multiple options to identify the correct chemical substance. After the user selects the correct chemical substance (if any), the CAS site returns the CAS Registry Number that corresponds to that chemical substance. The CAS site is also the source of information on the CAS Registry Number, including the document type, the date of indexing, and the unit of measure in which the CAS Registry Number was indexed. The CAS site is also the source of information on the CAS Registry Number, including the document type, the date of indexing, and the unit of measure in which the CAS Registry Number was indexed. The CAS site is also the source of information on the CAS Registry Number, including the document type, the date of indexing, and the unit of measure in which the CAS Registry Number was indexed.
A CAS Registry Number is a unique identifier assigned to each chemical substance described in the open scientific literature. The CAS Registry Number includes the date of indexing, the document type, and the unit of measure. The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) assigns a CAS Registry Number to a chemical substance description in the open scientific literature.
There are about 2.5 million CAS Registry Numbers in the database as of 2016. Submissions include both primary (original) and derivative (nonoriginal) records (e.g., records of modifications). A complete list of CAS Registry Numbers is available on the Chemical Abstracts website .
A CAS Registry Number is a unique identification number assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), US to every chemical substance described in the open scientific literature. It includes all substances described from 1957 through the present, plus some substances from as far back as the early 1800s. The CAS Registry Number is a chemical database that includes organic and inorganic compounds, minerals, isotopes, alloys, mixtures, and nonstructurable materials (UVCBs, substances of unknown or varying composition, complex reaction products, and biological origin).
A CAS RN can be very long. For example, the CAS RN for the biologically active chemical compound Quinolone is FJ5R5H6I6N1R0P1X1Y1Z2. So, it's not just a serial number. A CAS RN also includes the chemical structure of the compound, a chemical class code, and the CAS index. Here's a breakdown of how a CAS RN is made up:
The CAS Registry Number is a nine-digit number, and the first digit of the CAS RN identifies the chemical group that the substance belongs to, while the last three digits identify the substance itself. The first digit is a letter that indicates the chemical group:
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